language that was comfortable for religious people. i was asked once in a press interview what book would i choose if i were ship wreckeded on an island and could only have one book for the rest of my life. i replied i knew of only one book that could be read and re-read and continue to be a challenge. the bible. jimmy carter turned them off so completely they flocked to reagan in droves. the christian conservatives would be joined in the reagan coalition by other democratic detectors including a cadre of writer and thinkers who concluded it was time to take a stands. while their numbers were small, their sharpens and forceful arguments would give them an outside influence in the movement. @8@c@d@e@f@g@h@i@i@i@ii
language that was comfortable for religious people. i was asked once in a press interview what book would i choose if i were ship wreckeded on an island and could only have one book for the rest of my life. i replied i knew of only one book that could be read and re-read and continue to be a challenge. the bible. jimmy carter turned them off so completely they flocked to reagan in droves. the christian conservatives would be joined in the reagan coalition by other democratic detectors including a cadre of writer and thinkers who concluded it was time to take a stands. while their numbers were small, their sharpens and forceful arguments would give them an outside influence in the movement.
language that was comfortable for religious people. i was asked once in a press interview what book would i choose if i were ship wreckeded on an island and could only have one book for the rest of my life. i replied i knew of only one book that could be read and re-read and continue to be a challenge. the bible. jimmy carter turned them off so completely they flocked to reagan in droves. the christian conservatives would be joined in the reagan coalition by other democratic detectors including a cadre of writer and thinkers who concluded it was time to take a stands. while their numbers were small, their sharpens and forceful arguments would give them an outside influence in the movement. @8@c@d@e@f@g@h@i@i@i@ii
language that was comfortable for religious people. i was asked once in a press interview what book would i choose if i were ship wreckeded on an island and could only have one book for the rest of my life. i replied i knew of only one book that could be read and re-read and continue to be a challenge. the bible. jimmy carter turned them off so completely they flocked to reagan in droves. the christian conservatives would be joined in the reagan coalition by other democratic detectors including a cadre of writer and thinkers who concluded it was time to take a stands. while their numbers were small, their sharpens and forceful arguments would give them an outside influence in the movement. tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this?