And from work. A new website unveiled thursday could help ease that strain. 10 21 24;21 transportation can be an impediment to employment so we hope to address that issue, in a small way we hope to start addressing congestion on i380 as it exists today its called iowa rideshare, you create a profile and then enter in the details of your commute. The website can match you with other commuters who live and work in the same areas as you. It co within cities. Sharon prater takes the bus in cedar rapids to work every day and says she might try it. 10 50 10;05 sharing rides would mean less cars on the road because a lot of people are moving here from different places so that makes it more congested. One of the options the new Program Offers is vanpool. This gives groups lets say, for example, an employer their own special vehicle. 10 24 02;10 if you already have say 6 other friends who want to utilize it, you all register and say you want to interested in participating you register and then
Press release content from Business Wire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
Montgomery County Power Station Enters Commercial Operation with Mitsubishi Power Technology, Enabling Cleaner Energy Today
January 21, 2021 GMT
Montgomery County Power Station achieved commercial operation on January 1 with two high-efficiency Mitsubishi Power G-Series air-cooled advanced class gas turbines providing 993 megawatts of reliable, cleaner electricity to Southeast Texas. (Credit: Entergy Texas, Inc.)
Montgomery County Power Station achieved commercial operation on January 1 with two high-efficiency Mitsubishi Power G-Series air-cooled advanced class gas turbines providing 993 megawatts of reliable, cleaner electricity to Southeast Texas. (Credit: Entergy Texas, Inc.)
LAKE MARY, Fla. (BUSINESS WIRE) Jan 21, 2021
Press release content from Business Wire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
El Paso Electric, Mitsubishi Power Americas Work to Help Decarbonize Region with New Gas Turbine
January 19, 2021 GMT
El Paso Electric selected Mitsubishi Power’s Smart M501GAC enhanced-response gas turbine to help enable cleaner and more sustainable power generation. The gas turbine complements renewable energy sources with rapid response to variability and offers hydrogen capability for future deep decarbonization. (Rendering Courtesy Mitsubishi Power)
El Paso Electric selected Mitsubishi Power’s Smart M501GAC enhanced-response gas turbine to help enable cleaner and more sustainable power generation. The gas turbine complements renewable energy sources with rapid response to variability and offers hydrogen capability for future deep decarbonization. (Rendering Courtesy Mitsubishi Power)