The Fayetteville Board of Education accepted a $1.865 million offer from the nonprofit Potter s House for the site and buildings of Jefferson Elementary, with the bid s strongest rival being a $1 offer.
FAYETTEVILLE Community input will guide the city s heritage and historic preservation efforts over the next decade, according to the consultants hired to come up with a plan.
"This collaboration came about as we were brainstorming ways to celebrate Black History Month at TheatreSquared as well as ways to supplement the story of the show ['The Mountaintop'] since it opened right after MLK day and runs about halfway into Black History Month," Tara Carr Versey, director of Community Experience at TheatreSquared, begins the conversation.
"This collaboration came about as we were brainstorming ways to celebrate Black History Month at TheatreSquared as well as ways to supplement the story of the show ['The Mountaintop'] since it opened right after MLK day and runs about halfway into Black History Month," Tara Carr Versey, director of Community Experience at TheatreSquared, begins the conversation.