Cumulative Group contribution reaches Rs. 111Mn Improved the lives of over 43,808 people across 19 rural communities through sustainable projects Long-lasting impact through water purification, construction of fully-equipped libraries, digital classrooms and provision of essential school supplies Iconic Sri Lankan multinational conglomerate, the Hayleys Group continued to provide vital support towards education at its adopted […]
Haycarb achieves record turnover of Rs. 25.4 billion and profit before tax of Rs. 4.49 billion for 2020/21 despite Covid- 19 pandemic
May, 19, 2021
The Sri Lankan multinational Haycarb PLC reported revenue of Rs.25.4 billion, profit before tax of Rs. 4.49 billion and profit after tax of Rs. 3.56 billion for the financial year 2020/21. The earnings per share of equity holders of the company was Rs. 10.25 for the year.
The Chairman of Haycarb PLC and its parent company Hayleys PLC, Mr. Mohan Pandithage said that the Company overcame the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and responded positively to opportunities due to the business model founded upon a strategic manufacturing foot print and supply chain network spread across multiple countries, strong customer relationships built on mutual trust and a resilient and committed team of employees, to achieve a record top and bottom line performance.