they have never had a close call like this during competition. so this is really a first of its kind as far as pro competition goes. will they do anything differently? there s talk of the shark nets that we see in australia and in hong kong. anything we know about future competitions? not yet, i m sure they will assess the situation and try to figure it out because it s such a a rare thing. maybe they won t jump to make any fixes now, but they are going to evaluate the situation. i heard people say this particular area off south africa is a little more prone to seeing shark sharks than perhaps other competitions. they have another one next weekend. wilson will be there. the question is whether fanning will show up or take a little time off. joe, usually in los angeles, but now in london where there s not a lot of sharks in the english channel. stay safe. thank you for that story. no problem. which political story will make headlines the next 24 hours? that s nexton andrea mi