mr. volker, i ve got to tell you i really enjoy your opening testimony. i know that it was long but it was extremely well done. i appreciate it. you talk about letters signed, sharing concerns about leadership in your assigned country. about agreeing with and sometimes disagreeing with the leadership of your own country when you felt it was appropriate. you were the boots on the ground for the administration. let s face it, you re part of that team that is there to serve the country in that way. that all, to me, sounded like the works of a very good diplomat and i want to thank you for that. thank you, sir. it is truly appreciated. and corruption was a concern, legitimately, in ukraine and in many ways. mr. jordan pointed out some of the things that were done by ukrainians in plain sight, i might use that term. in plain sight by putting off ads in our newspapers. and certainly more than one country can be trying to influence our elections.
officials spent the weekend in south korea laying groundwork for denuclearization talks, the second summit between the us and north korea will take place later this month in asia. the senate breaks with donald trump voted to keep trips with theory and afghanistan. majority leader mitch mcconnell passing at 70-26, troops should remain in the middle east because ice is an al qaeda haven t been beaten, donald trump announced reportedly plans to take them out of afghanistan. rob: here s a member of the intelligence advisory board, dan hoffman, sharing concerns about troops withdrawing from the middle east. i agree with part of it, the president s desire to bring the troops home is laudatory but i also believe one of the lessons from 9/11 is when you allow terrorists to enjoy and government states which is what afghanistan and the border region of pakistan is, they will plot against us.
well-being and the future of our children. katie: so what should people do if they look at that and they re concerned about the health of their own families? well, this is how the map became what it is. because those are people with sharing concerns so what we ve done is the map is going to go live. so when people report a problem, it will go on the map live and they re going to create communities around where they live. and so for these people to be able to post those photos, share their stories, connect with another community, we will help link them whether it need to be with the law or their senators or their congress persons or the e.p.a. or state agencies to get them to work together. and so this map helps them have a voice, again, to take control. and what s happening in their own backyard and theyake changes for themselves. because, um, i don t know who else is coming to help them at this point so we re going to try