Each student was introduced, shared some of their accomplishments, and received a special plaque with their name and month in which they were awarded Student of the Month.
carol. 40-year-old shari stanley says she was suspended for her muslim beliefs. her critics say she knew the responsibilities before she took the job. her attorney says she s the victim of discrimination. stanley says she was suspended from her job as a flight attendant because of her religious beliefs. this week the 40-year-old michigan woman filed a charge of discrimination against regional airline express jet. the issue, stanley converted to islam two years ago. she says she only learned recently that her faith prohibits her from serving alcohol. she and the airline did work out an accommodation for two months until she says one of her co-workers filed a complaint against her saying, quote, she was not fulfilling her duties as a flight attendant by refusing to serve alcohol. four weeks later stanley s religious accommodation, excluding her from serving alcohol, was revoked by the airline. she was suspended. what we re asking for is that her employment be reinstated and