A brand new donut shop called The Donut is about ready to open its doors to the public in NW Rochester, Minnesota operated and owned by Collins Orthodontics.
Not only are smiles being transformed at Collins Othrodontists in Rochester, Minnesota but thanks to some donuts, more kids are going to have a chance at those amazing smiles too!
Not only are smiles being transformed at Collins Othrodontists in Rochester, Minnesota but thanks to some donuts, more kids are going to have a chance at those amazing smiles too!
Not only are smiles being transformed at Collins Othrodontists in Rochester, Minnesota but thanks to some donuts, more kids are going to have a chance at those amazing smiles too!
Not only are smiles being transformed at Collins Othrodontists in Rochester, Minnesota but thanks to some donuts, more kids are going to have a chance at those amazing smiles too!