front. we have witnessed the killing of tens of thousands of people in syria the president of egypt is a member of the muslim brotherhood. our ambassador to libya was assassinated in a terrorist attack. iran is moving toward nuclear weapons capability. we are at the mercy of ever vents, rather than shaping events. reporter: the governor will go after the president on china but at the same time we should point out the obama campaign shall be slamming governor romney for holding substantial investments in china. shepard: a lot of the republicans and the chattering class has been saying come on, governor romney, campaign with paul ryan. today high is in ohio. reporter: they will be here together in a couple of minutes. this is the first time they have been together in a month since the day after the republican convention. that is leading a lot of people to say they don t think ryan is being used to his greatest potential and he needs to be turned lose in the campaign.
show wipeout, and yo beganba beganba. oh, gear. wasn t us. thanks for invite o clock us into your home. that s it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. shep: this is the fox report. tonight political football. politicians on both sides of the aisle weighing in on the nfl s replacement refs. the presidential nominees lay out their vision for america s role in the world. a lot of americans, including myself, are troubled by developments in the middle east. we somehow feel that we re at the mercy of events rather than shaping events. just as we can not solve every problem in the world, the united states has not and will not seek to dictate the outcome of democratic transitions
weapons capability. we feel we are at the mercy of events, rather than shaping events. i m often asked why. what can we do about it to lead the middle east to stability and ease the suffering and the anger and the hate there and the violence? obviously, runningus streamism is certainly part of the problem but that is not the whole story. the population of the middle east is very young in comparison with the population of the developed nations. and typically, these young people, as the president indicated a moment ago, don t have a lot of job prospects. the levels of youth unemployment across the region are excessive and chronic. nations sha have undergone a change in leadership recently, young people have greater access to information. in the past, that was being carefully guarded by tyrants and dictators but now it s available. they see the good, as well as the bad in surrounding societies.
tolerate freedom for others. that is what we saw play out in the last two weeks. a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the muslim world. on this, we must agree. there is no speech that justifies mindless violence. syria witnessed the killing of tens of thousands of people. the president of egypt is a member of the muslim brotherhood. ambassador to libya was assassinated in a terrorist attack. iran is moving toward nuclear weapons capability. we feel we re at the mercy of events rather than shaping events. bret: mitt romney and president obama in new york. the president speaking to the united nations general assembly today. bring in a special panel on foreign policy. steve hayes, writer for weekly standard. welcome liz cheney, chair of rudy deleo nearby, senior vice
mate. but here in ohio governor romney is going to expand his broad sides against president obama, go beyond the economy and jobs, try to keep the president on defense and be more than a one-note johnny on the economy as bill kristol accused him of being sometime ago. here in ohio he s going to contrast his programs with trade and what he would do to use trade to create jobs with those of president obama and continue to hit him on foreign policy, specifically the bumps in the road comment that the president made on 60 minutes. this morning at the clinton global initiative, governor romney went about as far as he could in that particular forum to imply criticism of president obama. syria has witnessed the illkilling of tens of thousands of people. the president of egypt is a member of the muslim brotherhood. our ambassador to libya was assassinated in a terrorist attack. iran is moving toward nuclear weapons capability. we somehow feel that we re at the mercy of events rather than s