New Bedford's Brooklawn Park was once a private estate with apple orchards and cow pastures. The estate known as Brook Lawn became a city park in the late 1800s.
New Bedford's Brooklawn Park was once a private estate with apple orchards and cow pastures. The estate known as Brook Lawn became a city park in the late 1800s.
Rediscovered song, which has a ‘cheerful energy’, was likely written by a teenage sailor or shore whaler in New Zealand in the 1830s
Sea shanty TikTok has gone viral because young people in Covid lockdown are in a similar situation to 19th century whalers, says John Archer Photograph: Bildagentur-online/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Elle Hunt Fri 15 Jan 2021 06.29 GMT
Even from “the back of nowhere, far from any city” – not to mention the sea – John Archer caught wind of the sea shanty revival before anyone else.
From his home in landlocked Ōhakune, Archer had noticed a sharp uptick in visitors to the New Zealand Folk Song website he set up in 1998. One 19th-century seafaring epic was of particular interest: Soon May The Wellerman Come.