hinton s home, about 30 miles away from emory university. shannon s family found out about it from the local news. we know you are the primary suspect in the disappearance of shannon melendi, and we like to take just talk to. i glanced the tv and i see a picture of an officer going like this, with the rod, and one of the planters. they were at his house? yes. we already knew that he was a suspect, so they were at his house searching the house. where the cops letting even on this? very little. what did you find? that house was gone through with a fine tooth comb, they say. they also took a cadaver dogs down there to see if there was any evidence of a body being there. we found nothing down there. no sign that shannon had ever been there? that we could find. but, in the trash pit behind enten s house, they did find something interesting. a collection of women s clothing.
square shannon? it she okay? as the investigation started, police told reporters that they were looking at two very different possibilities. either she left on her own, or someone else grabbed her. if police were looking into whether shannon left on her own. the melendi s told them they were wasting their time. i told them, you do not know her! you do not know her! she would never, ever ran away. she never ran away from anything! law the melendi s use the media to spread the message. hoping the focus on the case would lead to answers. i know i m doing whatever have to do to get this thing happening. so you think to get anything going it had your passion. i m gonna do what i have to do and i don t care who s toes i stepped on. shannon s only thing that made sense was that she had been abducted. police were investigating every option. the first thing you do on a missing persons case of this magnitude is try to interview all of the acquaintances and friends. and we did
one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. does. the softball field, where shannon was working part-time as the scorekeeper. it was a last place she had been seen alive. police tracked down everybody who had been around her on the saturday she disappeared. the softball field that day
was having a tournament with 25 teams. you re talking about a lot of people. every single one of the people that was there was questioned. that took us to probably 4 to 5 and out of those hundreds of interviews. in curious story about one person in particular, an umpire. a lot of the players in the game were concerned that his empowering method wasn t normal. he didn t pay attention to a lot of balls are being thrown. his objective affection was shannon, who was behind home plate, where he was calling the game. she was keeping score that day. he s checking out shannon? yes. he was more interested in washing shine and then he was in calling the sophomore game. police learned his name was bush here is seen on camera, getting ready for a game. he was a man or of a church where his dad was a pastor. he was married and had a job
authorities polygraph the acts. they were still interviewing all of shannon s friends, when a mysterious phone call came in. the caller was about to give police a clue that would kick start the engine of this investigation. coming up! right before shannon disappeared, again. and some attention from an empire. he s checking out shannon? is what you re saying. yes. he was more interested in watching shannon then calling the softball game. when dateline continues!