articles of impeachment to mitch mcconnell to decide whether or not we talk to senator merkley about it last night. here s what he said. this is nuts. they just and preached impeach thepresident of the uni. it s our turn to have a trial. what does that say about their commitment to actually doing, following through on what they did? it s completely insane. shannon: this opens the democrats up to criticism now, that they have argued all along the urgency, we have to get this done. cannot wait on the pending court cases because this president is an impending threat to democracy and to the, you know, the 2020 election being fair and transparent and clean. they slam on the brakes and you know people are going to say on the right, they were serious. that s right. i expect that s exactly what people on the right in the trump camp would say. the thing is, among the democrats right now, there is the sense that if you give the
campaign advisors about this moment that caught some of joe biden s rivals on the left and on the right by surprise. would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth even though eventually it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy? the answer is yes. the answer is yes. i had a chance to ask some biden campaign advisors what exactly he was getting at with that hundreds and thousands of jobs lost would be worth it for a green economy, and i was told that his green economy plan would generate many, many more jobs. ultimately, it s a math problem and there would be more jobs at the end, but that s not something you here every day. shannon: something you do not hear about every day is a wine cave, trending on twitter for people who did not watch the debates, what the heck is that all about? no wine cave is a place where
beginning and a little worried but all of a sudden because if we are going to investigate people because we don t like them, or we don t like what they ve said, i ve got a list of ex-boyfriends we can start with. but that s not what s going on here, shannon. what s going on is if you are investigating investigators and you have a conversation between then fbi director james comey and then cia director brennan, it s obvious to me they would include this in the skull. i do not think they are going after brennan, they are trying to be thorough in their investigation. shannon: there have been speculations about finger-pointing. who is going to take the fall for what. what do you think about brennan? he says, listen, whatever i ve done and i m happy to put it out there and it s all above board. jim comey thought he would turn out fine in the inspector general s report and it didn t turn out that way prince said a lot of things not true and the fbi, we had the fisa judge
investigating john brennan looking for call logs in his role how the investigation began. joining me now, fox news contributor lexie marshall and marc thiessen. welcome to you both. are you there? i am. shannon: let me read through some of this. the new york times talking about this, talking about there is going to be the presumption or the appearance that the president is using the doj to go after his enemies, the president has long attacked mr. brennan as part of his narrative about deep state cabal of obama administration officials who try to sabotage his campaign. mr. trump has held out mr. durham s investigation as a potential avenue for approving those claims. mark, what you think this is going? that s ridiculous. john durham is a prosecutor of unimpeachable character and i use that term intentionally. he is a guy the obama administration, eric holder turned a two to investigate the cia interrogation program and despite the fact the administration was opposed to the pro
tied behind their back. but it open him then to criticism from warren and others, and they went at it in very aggressive manner and suggesting that in that wine cave, he is being bought and he s selling out the progressive message. shannon: karl, he s taking issue because that s what happens when you start to throw that in front of the pack, you get bad treatment. at the same time, you look at the field and think about the fact that they are all having a lot of purity tests, whether it s on fund-raising or something else. this is something that former president obama has actually warned them about. stop with the super woke-and ess and the purity test. we saw this divide they are traditional liberal democrats like klobuchar, biden, pharmaceutical companies, they are corrupt, governments are