As per the updates that are pouring in on social media, Shanmukh Jaswant and his brother are caught possessing drugs at their home, by the cops. They were arrested and an investigation was launched.
In 2021, Shanmukh Jaswanth Kandregula was arrested in Hyderabad for drunk driving after crashing his car into three parked cars and two bikes. Shanmukh Jaswanth Kandregula Arrested: Ex-Bigg Boss Telugu Contestant and YouTuber Taken Into Custody for Alleged Drug Possession – Reports.
YouTuber Shanmukh Jaswanth To Get Special Bail in Drunken Drive Case Feb 28, 2021, 13:24 IST
A well known YouTuber, Shanmukh Jaswanth was arrested by the police on Saturday when he hit three parked cars and two bikes. The incident took place at Road No.10, Jubilee Hills.
Police say that he was driving the vehicle under the influence of alcohol and lost the control of his car. After, Shanmukh hitting the vehicles, the owners of the cars picked up an argument with him. Police who received the information from the locals reached the spot and took Shanmukh into custody. Police when tested, the reading on the breath analyser was 170mg/100 ml. The Traffic Police immediately seized the car of Shanmukh and a few cases have been registered. Cases under 337, 279, 185 sections under motor vehicle act have been filed against Shanmukh. He may get a special bail in drunken drive case.
Feb 27, 2021, 22:19 IST
YouTube star, Shanmukh Jaswanth was taken into custody by police after he hit the hit vehicle today. According to the reports, he was driving the vehicle under the influence of alcohol at Jubilee Hills today. Sources say that one person got injured in the incident. It is said that he has hit three vehicles. Police have taken Shanmukh Jaswanth into custody.
Shanmukh Jaswanth is one of the most popular YouTube star. He enjoys an immense fan following in the two Telugu states. His recent webseries, Software Developer created sensation. ); } x = 2; $( .field-name-body .field-item p:lt( +x+ ) ).show();