A Dhaka court yesterday placed Abantika Boral, an aide to PK Halder, on three-day remand in connection with a graft case. The order was issued hours after Abantika was arrested in the capital's Dhanmondi around noon by a team of the Anti-Corruption Commission, said ACC Director (public relations) Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya. The arrestee was first taken to the ACC office before
Money Laundering: Interpol issues red notice for PK Halder
Proshanta Kumar Halder. File photo Staff Correspondent Staff Correspondent
Interpol yesterday issued red notice against Proshanta Kumar Halder, also known as PK Halder, who allegedly laundered over Tk 10,000 crore of four non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) abroad, following a request from Bangladesh Police.
Mohiul Islam, assistant inspector general of National Central Bureau (NCB) at police headquarters (PHQ), confirmed to The Daily Star.
He said they pointed out the probable location of PK Halder and sent documents related to the case filed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to Interpol.
Other allegations that were brought against Halder were also sent to Interpol, he said, adding, that The International Criminal Police Organization examined the documents and issued red notice.