Deena Raj, known for his love stories 'Preminchukundam Raa' and 'Kalisundam Raa', is making his directorial debut with a patriotic drama titled 'Bharateeyans'. The film showcases the evil tactics of China and has received immense praise from .
Deena Raj, known for his love stories 'Preminchukundam Raa' and 'Kalisundam Raa', is making his directorial debut with a patriotic drama titled 'Bharateeyans'. The film showcases the evil tactics of China and has received immense praise from .
Deena Raj, known for his love stories Preminchukundam Raa and Kalisundam Raa , is making his directorial debut with a patriotic drama titled Bharateeyans . The film showcases the evil tactics of China and has received immense praise from retired Indian Army personnel at a special screening in different parts of India.
Shankar Naidu Disheartened With Censor Board For Deleting Shiv Tandav From Bharateeyans; We Have Not Received Any Support From The Censor Board Mumbai, July 5 (IANS) Deena Raj, known for his love stories 'Preminchukundam Raa' and 'Kalisundam Raa', is making his directorial debut with a patriotic drama titled 'Bharateeyans'. The film showcases the evil tactics of China and has