UHT Processing Market Shares, Strategies and Forecast Worldwide, 2018 to 2027
tipMay 7, 2021 7
UHT Processing Market study by “The Insight Partners” provides details about the market dynamics affecting the market, Market scope, Market segmentation and overlays shadow upon the leading market players highlighting the favorable competitive landscape and trends prevailing over the years.
UHT Processing Market 2021-2027 Global Industry research report explores analysis of historical data along with size, share, growth, demand and revenue of the global UHT Processing and estimates the future trend of market on the basis of this detailed study. The study shares market performance both in terms of volume and revenue and this factor which is useful & helpful to the business.
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Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV), a kind of industrial robot, shares the same industry chain structure with industrial robot. Robot components, as the upstream also the core of the industry chain, occupies the most majority of costs in robot products. The medium sector is robot manufacturing & system integration enterprises, and downstream sectors covers application industries such as automobiles, 3C electronics and logistics.
As a substitute for human resources, the demand for moving AGVs has become increasingly strong. In 2019, China s AGVs sold 40,670 units, up 37.4% yr-on-yr. In 2020, the new application value of AGVs (reducing human-to-human contact) was released due to COVID-19 epidemic, accelerating the development of entire AGV industry application scenarios. It is estimated the AGV sales volume hit 53,000 units in 2020, and forecasted to exceed 130,000 units by 2026.