Shamshera Box Office Collection Day 7: Karan Malhotra directorial is struggling to collect even Rs 50 crore in a week. Made on a massive budget of Rs 150 crores the film enjoys an ensemble cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Vaani Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt.
Sanjay Dutt penned a long note on Instagram where he opened up about the failure of Shamshera. Also starring Ranbir Kapoor and Vaani Kapoor the film has performed poorly at the box office.
Bollywood Top 5 News today: Ranveer Singh s nude photoshoot continues to be the talk of the town while Huma Qureshi hosted a lavish birthday celebration on Wednesday with all the big names of Bollywood in attendance. Here s a look at what is happening in the world of showbiz.