His office said in a statement that he will lay the foundation stone of projects worth over Rs 50,700 crore in Madhya Pradesh from an event in Bina in the state. Later, he will travel to Chhattisgarh to dedicate important rail sector projects worth around Rs 6,350 crore.
PM Modi in Madhya Pradesh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Thursday visit Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh to launch a series of development projects. According to a government release, on his visit to Madhya Pradesh, PM Modi will lay the foundation stone of projects worth more than Rs 50,700 crore, including the Petrochemical Complex at Bina Refinery’ in Madhya Pradesh's Bina town. Stay here for all updates
Bina/UNI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will later Thursday lay the foundation stone of projects worth more than Rs 50,700 crore including a Petrochemical Complex at the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd refinery in this town of Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar district.
Bina/UNI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here on Thursday on board a special Army helicopter from Bhopal to lay the foundation stone of projects worth more than Rs 50,700 crore, including a petrochemical complex at the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.’s refinery in this town of the Bundelkhand region’s Sagar district.