so what time was the shooting itself? probably around 3:00. 3:15. what is your first name? shakima. and your name? denise. thank you. neil: that is interesting. some eye witness reports and always happens in incidents like these, people hear ant see different things. that woman said it seemed to start downtown, still another witness earlier on. i caught that before we were on the air with a guest here. that it did appear in midtown manhattan, first. there s great confusion. that s to be expected. doesn t mean anybody is right or wrong. their memory and the event plays out differently. ed mullens joins us on the phone. what your hearing, reports of
shakima. sherry mason. diana. well, i hope that this is a lesson to those of you who have been indulged in media assassination for three years, bias and prejudice and incompetent talking heads saying what would be and how to be. i m disgusted by some of the lawyers who have done this, and i can tell you that my colleagues from coast to coast and border to border have condemned this whole process of lawyers getting on television and talking about cases that they don t know a damn thing about and don t have the experience to back up their words or the law to do it. now, you have learned a lesson. and we appreciate the jury. those of you who have been objective and professional, we like it. others, we are going to be talking to again. thank you very much.