playing] interviewewer 1: playeyers go play, anand haters g gon hat, yoyou know? songwrititers nathanan butler d seanan hall sueded taylor sws, claiaiming that t taylor swift s sosong, shakeke it o borroweded from a sosong they we fofor 3lw calllled playass gon plalay . lisa r respers frarance: in 20, hallll and butleler filed a a lt agaiainst tayloror swift becee ththey felt lilike those l ls that playayers going g to playay, haters g going to hah had cocome from ththeir 200000 hit song g with 3lw.. sidndney madden:n: to someone who o says they y hear absololy no simililarity betwtween s shake it ofoff anand playas s gon play betweeeen those twtwo choruse, you would d have to bebe listeg with t three sets s of earmufs to tryry and realllly argue e with that.t. [m[music playiying] sean h hall: some e lawyers reran ththe situatioion. but i dididn t get i it becaue usually y when peoplple say copyriright infriningement, nine timimes out of f 10, they mean the music. oh, the
playing] interviewewer 1: playeyers go play, anand haters g gon hat, yoyou know? songwrititers nathanan butler d seanan hall sueded taylor sws, claiaiming that t taylor swift s sosong, shakeke it o borroweded from a sosong they we fofor 3lw calllled playass gon plalay . lisa r respers frarance: in 20, hallll and butleler filed a a lt agaiainst tayloror swift becee ththey felt lilike those l ls that playayers going g to playay, haters g going to hah had cocome from ththeir 200000 hit song g with 3lw.. sidndney madden:n: to someone who o says they y hear absololy no simililarity betwtween s shake it ofoff anand playas s gon play betweeeen those twtwo choruse, you would d have to bebe listeg with t three sets s of earmufs to tryry and realllly argue e with that.t. [m[music playiying] sean h hall: some e lawyers reran ththe situatioion. but i didn t get it because usually when people say copyright infringement, nine timimes out of f 10, they mean the music. oh, there s a samp