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Jagan visits Major General Venugopal and presents a memento
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Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy presenting the flame of victory to Major General C. Venugopal in Tirupati on Thursday, marking the golden jubilee of the Indo-Pak War of 1971.
Jagan visits Major General Venugopal and presents a memento
It was a moment of goosebumps when the three award-winning Indo-Pak war veterans from Andhra Pradesh were honoured on the occasion of the ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh’, the golden jubilee year of the war.
Lieutenant Colonel Chittoor Venugopal, while commanding a battalion of Gorkha Rifles during the operations on the eastern front on the 4th of December 1971, came face to face with a well-fortified enemy defences at Uthali and Darsana. The position had a series of concrete pillboxes inter-connected with elaborate communication trenches. Showing scant regard for his personal safety, he planned the attack with great professional skill and led his team in c