This Eid, three hyped actresses of Dhallywood are going face to face. Three films featuring Apu Biswas, Shobnom Bubly and Puja Chery are going to hit the theatres this Eid-ul-Fitr.
The horrific teaser of the Puja Chery starrer film "Jinn" was released yesterday and stirred up a commotion among the audience. Directed by Nader Chowdhury and produced by Jaaz multimedia, the film stars Shajal Noor and Ziaul Roshan as well.
Scheduled to be released this upcoming Eid, “Jin” starring Puja Chery is set to terrify the audiences. Directed by Nader Chowdhury and produced by Jaaz multimedia, the film also stars Shaja Noor, Ziaul Roshan among others.
A new film starring Shajal Noor and Puja Chery will soon be released this Eid. The actor will be making his return to the big screen after a six-year-gap with the movie, “Jin”. This will also mark his first ever film with Puja Chery. “Jin” has been directed by Nader Chowdhury. Alongside this, he has another film, “Shubornobhumi” awaiting release. At the same time, the actor