Sharan Dhaliwal, the founder of South Asian culture magazine Burnt Roti, says she has received hundreds of “d k pics” over the years via Instagram, the social media platform on which she has more than 10,000 followers. The high-profile writer blocks these users – who send unsolicited images of male genitalia – but the abuse continues. “It’s a power play… it’s.
Singapore News - Seven in 10 cases of technology-facilitated sexual violence seen last year involved image-based sexual abuse, including non-consensual distribution of sexual images such as revenge porn, according to the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware). This is the. Read more at
Seven in 10 cases of technology-facilitated sexual violence seen last year involved image-based sexual abuse, including non-consensual distribution of sexual images such as revenge porn, according to the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware).
Singapore is often seen as a bellwether of policy direction in Asia, offering clues on the best practices for regulating everything from cryptocurrency and healthcare to public transport. But until recently, it was lagging behind its neighbours in one glaring aspect: allowing healthy, single women to freeze their eggs. The island nation has for years sought to boost its dismal.