On Wednesday, Shahid Kapoor took to social media to share a new poster of his film, Jersey. Along with it, the father of 2, Zain and Misha, Shahid revealed why it is a special poster for him.
Mira Kapoor s Goa Vacation Is Full Of Scrumptious Morning Meals, Here s Proof (See Pic)
Mira Kapoor is currently vacationing in Goa and is posting some drool-worthy pictures including delicious-looking breakfast dishes!
She often shares her food shenanigans on Instagram
She is currently in Goa and shared some drool-worthy pictures
If you follow Mira Kapoor on Instagram, you would know her love for food. The diva has always expressed her love for all things decadent as well as healthy and keeps sharing her food shenanigans with her fans and followers on social media. No wonder the lockdown saw her cooking and tying many new dishes at home, often a combination of yummy and wholesome.