Shah Rukh Khan turned muse for his son Aryan Khan s streetwear brand D Yavol. The Bollywood King Khan s shirtless photos from the photoshoot caught several eyes - See viral pics! - Shah Rukh Khan Flaunts His Washboard Abs in Viral Photo For Son Aryan Khan s Brand, Internet MELTS, See Pics
Shah Rukh Khan paid respects to the unsung heroes of the Mumbai 26/11 attacks at the Gateway of India. He interacted with a bunch of guests at the event. | Bollywood
Rajkumar Hirani s Dunki is a social comedy that will present Shah Rukh Khan in a never seen avatar. The film also starring Taapsee Pannu will release on December 22, 2023.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri got hitched on October 25, 1991, and an interesting tale states that the superstar had borrowed a suit from the costume department of his movie Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman for his special day.