As per the latest buzz, Sheezan Khan’s sister, Shafaqq Naaz will get engaged this month. Sheezan was arrested in Tunisha Sharma’s suicide case and is currently out on bail.
Tunisha Sharma Death Case:Sheezan Mohammed Khan misses former girlfriend Tunisha. He spoke about her for the first time after Tunisha Sharma death. aaa
Actor Sheezan Mohammed Khan's sisters Falak Naaz and Shafaqq Naaz have expressed their gratitude towards God as their brother was granted bail on Saturday (March 4) and walked out of Thane jail on Sunday.He was arrested in the suicide case of .
He was arrested in the suicide case of actress Tunisha Sharma by Waliv police. It was indeed an emotional moment for his mother and sisters Falak Naaz and Shafaqq Naaz as the actor met them after about two months.Shee