Popular filmmaker Chittibabu has been making allegations about Samantha Ruth Prabu, and the Jaanu star has also been reacting to his remarks in a passive-aggressive way on her Instagram space. Ever since the release of Shaakuntalam, this war of words has been happening more often and there is no scarcity for news ever since it started.
In addition to the films failure, Samantha was criticized for her looks and performance in the role of Shaakuntalam. Many opined she was unfit for playing Shakuntala. After negative reviews started pouring in for Shaakuntalam following the preview, Samantha refrained from promoting the movie.
The movie was made on a heavy budget. Samantha single-handedly is bearing the weight of the movie, and she has fallen sick just for this reason- vigorous promotions. Here we are trying to figure out why and what aspects of Shaakuntalam didnt work in the films favour. Take a look.