Supreme Court to review of legal challenges to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s COVID Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Interim Final Rule.
The Supreme Court took the very rare step of scheduling a special hearing for both sets of cases. The hearing will be held on Friday, January 7, 2022. In the OSHA mandate cases, the Court consolidated two cases and scheduled a total of one hour of oral argument for both.
The US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals dissolved the stay that had prevented implementation of the OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard ETS requiring COVID-19 vaccination or testing. Justice Kavanaugh set a deadline for the Biden administration to respond to the appeals.
the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the Fifth Circuit’s stay on OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard ETS. OSHA updated its compliance dates to provide employers additional planning and coordination.