BitShares (CURRENCY:BTS) traded down 0.9% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 16:00 PM Eastern on March 6th. One BitShares coin can currently be bought for $0.0201 or 0.00000052 BTC on popular exchanges. BitShares has a market capitalization of $60.29 million and $3.07 million worth of BitShares was traded on exchanges […]
The EIP-59 is the IP for accelerating the various single pass HMAC (FIPS-198-1) algorithms using secure hash integrity algorithms like MD5 (RFC1231), .
HMAC MD5/SHA-1/SHA-2 Accelerator The EIP-59 is the IP for accelerating the various single pass HMAC (FIPS-198-1) algorithms using secure hash integrity algorithms like MD5 (RFC1231), SHA-1 (FIPS-180-2), SHA-2 (FIPS-180-3/4) and SHA-3 (FIPS-202).
Designed for fast integration, low gate count and full transforms, the EIP-59 accelerators provide a reliable and cost-effective embedded IP solution that is easy to integrate into high-speed crypto pipelines. View see the entire get in contact with HMAC IP