he is an adversary. putin s claim that russia has nuclear weapons that would hit the u.s. with video simulating an attack. so much so that frufrp called the leaders of frans, germany and the u.k. saying the russian leader sounded dangerous and the four of them needed to stick together. now with the all famous capital letter instructions, do not congratulate putin. two officials said trump told putin, if you want to have an arms race you can do that but i ll win. with us we have courtney, national security and military reporter and rick is back with us. he is former editing manager of time magazine. there has been an effort to
better if you just tell the truth. you can sort of see on dennis if frans face this is killing him to not destroy this guy right now. finally he gets a convention, a signed statement. walks out of the room. goes into another interrogation room and breaks the door in two with his fist. ah! ah! and i m choking up talking about it right now, because like that s how great a moment of tv that it is. 20 years from now the best tv dramas. what do they look like? i don t know. i don t know whether bolder than what we see today. assuredly, they will be. the 90s gave us several shows that didn t really explode in ratings but were very influential to other people making television. homicide is one of them. tell me with questions a night i m living in a danger zone homicide life on the seet was really innovative in terms of its style. it used music in ways that
i am hans. i am frans, and we want to pump you up. a lot of things they could do on saturday night live they couldn t do on a sit com. let me just sum up on track stay the course, 1,000 points of light, stay the course. governor dukakis, rebuttal. i can t believe i m losing to this guy. i ll get it. people were taking all the old principles of comedy and try to turn them into something new. we ve spend years and years watching sit coms and dramas and talk shows. we knew them by heart. if somebody played on that and parodied it, we got it instantly. i appreciate you coming in you should these conditions, lewis. i really do. you want to hold the credits?
along with some of the leaders. when you talk about making the country safe and secure that doesn t come from just our navies and armies. it comes interest us working closely with ai lies being able to share information with allies and allies being able to trust us when they don t trust us that makes us less secure. lonnie we should point out the first lady had a actually a terrific outing today with some school kids. she is said to speak six languaging process. she spoke german in germany. i ll get it right. i m still mastering english. she spoke french and in frans today to the school kids. and really looked like a very nice event. lonnie, do you give yourself the luxury of wondering what miefbl, be did what the visits would look like with a romney or rubio or bush or casic. not a moment goes by i don t think about that. both of those gentlemen would have been sfreemly wofld
nationalistic notes that play well with the base. but maybe we re seeing a little bit of growing up here. because when you re on a national stanl you have to get along with some of the leaders. when you talk about making the country safe and secure that doesn t come from just our navies and armies. it comes interest us working closely with ai lies being able to share information with allies and allies being able to trust us when they don t trust us that makes us less secure. lonnie we should point out the first lady had a actually a terrific outing today with some school kids. she is said to speak six languaging process. she spoke german in germany. i ll get it right. i m still mastering english. she spoke french and in frans today to the school kids. and really looked like a very nice event. lonnie, do you give yourself the luxury of wondering what miefbl, be did what the visits would look like with a romney or rubio