It is a truly hidden gem in the city. The part is rich with eucalyptus trees. Long paths allow you to meander, perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. I enjoy this base and the history behind it. The diversity that exists in such an urban city, the concrete, the streets, cars, we have this oasis of a natural environment. It reminds us of what San Francisco initially was. This is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. Transit is available to get you there easily. And the part is ada park is ada accessible. There is also a natural lake. This is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. It also has many birds to watch. It is the place to find some solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air. , an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. This is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand. Located in the middle of Pacific Heights on top of a hill, Lafayette Park offers a great s
Money away. Several homes were seized. There was ins, it was all the federal Law Enforcement agencies that were there to protect these women. Is there any more money from the federal government . I know were constantly asking the grant unit to extend this. We have to show that were willing to play this game and were coming forward inaudible having individuals plead guilty to charges shows a lot. I think as we continue doing those kind of cases and building those cases we will see results. We have asset forfeitures that will be coming so i can foresee more things happening. Were currently working with the fbi right now. Commissioner turman. I move that we, the ask the board of supervisors to authorize the police to retroactively accept and appropriate a grant in the amount of 200,000 from the california Emergency Management agency. Second. First we have to have Public Comment. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, all in favor say aye. Please call line item 5. Line item 5, Public Comment on
Directorses and members of the public i would hope that you had a good summer, i would like to report on a milestone that we recently reached, since the ground break of the new station since august of 2010, we have been busy on the construction of the under grounder portions of the facility and we demolished and recycling 100 percent of the materials that were used to build it and the shoring wall and we excavated down to 65 feet and built trussles to put in the heavy equipment and cranes and we also built a vast internal bracing system and relocated the utilities and installed over, 129 micro piles. And we have layed in the geothermal piping, poly ethalen that will use the constant temperature of the earth ocore which is around 50 degrees f and that will allow us to cool the buildings in the system and that is a contributor to the gold lead. And we have been putting in the Water Proofing and reinforced the steel and we recently and this is what we celebrated for the 4,000 cubic yard o
President , i was the vice. And i do thank you, mr. Dwayne, because it really has been a very taxing journey. And i truly hope that the y gina keeps that open door policy. I thank you for that. And to everyone thats here, thank you, thank you, thank you. applause all right. And again, thank you to the residents. We look forward to working with them on the subsequent phases and look forward to working with all the residents in all the developments as we move forward on this endeavor. At this point id like to introduce the president of the lead developer of this partnership, and that is jack gardner. Without our developers, without our partnerships, we wouldnt be here because we need developers to design and create this and to secure all the financing. And id like to introduce jack gardner. applause thank you. Thank you, olson. Mr. Mayor, im going to bring my kids to the next event because i want the mayor of San Francisco to tell them to keep their rooms clean, too. [laughter] so, and t
Potential candidates that they will refer to tjpa and other employers. I mentioned that our interns in the past have had a great deal of success working on our project and have been very positive experience for them, preparing for college and moving into other activities. And we were featured by the National Academy foundation in two of their recent publications, and the brochure you see three of our interns from the summer of 2011 with their mentors from the tjpa and project control staff. So we had very positive feedback from National Academy foundation looking to tjpa as a model for the internship programs that we have been participating with in San Francisco unified. I will ask ted to come up and talk about his efforts on the veterans program. Im sorry, one more slide on the efforts of the unions reported at our last board meetings with their efforts with San Francisco unified. The Carpenters Union is certifying the tech 21 program as a preapprenticeship program. And the Building T