On this edition of Your Call, we’re speaking with fascism experts Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Jason Stanley about last week’s assault on the Capitol and how Trump
On this edition of Your Call, we’re speaking with fascism experts Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Jason Stanley about last week’s assault on the Capitol and how Trump
The US Capitol riot was full of hate symbols. Here s how to spot them
MonMonday 11
TueTuesday 12
JanJanuary 2021 at 1:27am
Jake Angeli, aka Qanon Shaman, was one of the protestors who broke inside the US Capitol Building.
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One of the many horrifying images from the January 6 rampage on the US Capitol shows a long-haired, long-bearded man wearing a black Camp Auschwitz T-shirt emblazoned with a skull and crossbones, and under it the phrase work brings freedom an English translation of the Auschwitz concentration camp motto: Arbeit macht frei.
Another image, more subtle but no less incendiary, is of a different man whose T-shirt was emblazoned with the inscription 6MWE above yellow symbols of Italian Fascism. 6MWE is an acronym common among the far right standing for 6 Million Wasn t Enough. It refers to the Jews exterminated during the Nazi Holocaust and hints at the desire of the wearer to increase that number still further.
The crowds that stormed the US Capitol on Jan. 6 were not just engaged in an effort to support Trump. The symbols they carried were of an extreme form of anti-Semitism.