Head coach Bailee Nunn of Marshfield Swimming has welcomed two students from Hartville to the Lady Bluejays girls swim team this upcoming season in the pool.
(Springfield-jm) – The intersection of Illinois’ Firearm Owner’s Identification card and the Freedom of Information Act was the focus of an Illinois Supreme Court case heard this we.
(WFRV) – Most school districts will be back in session in just a couple weeks in northeast Wisconsin. And most school districts are facing serious teacher shortages. “I’m in my 31st year in education,” Two Rivers Public School District superintendent Diane Johnson said. “If you would have told me 15 years ago that we were […]
(WFRV) - Most school districts will be back in session in just a couple of weeks in northeast Wisconsin. And most school districts are facing serious teacher shortages. “I’m in my 31st year in education," Two Rivers Public School District superintendent Diane Johnson said. "If you would have told me