A recent study conducted by the Seychelles Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) revealed positive findings regarding the readiness of children aged 3 to 4 years old for early learning .
The mid-ocean islands of the Seychelles marks its historical links with national events days. Its affiliation with France is marked through the La Francophonie celebrations, the links with Africa through its FetAfrik (Africa Day Celebrations), the links with India and China with its Seychelles-India Day Celebrations and the Seychelles-China Day Celebrations respectively, and with Great Britain with the Commonwealth Day Celebrations, before it celebrates the Seychelles of TODAY in the Kreol Festival (Creole Festival).
To mark Commonwealth Day 2015, President James Michel of the Seychelles writes: “A Young Commonwealth” as the theme for 2015 is in recognition of the many young people who form part of the Commonwealth family.