Do government classes preparing students for the diverse and ever-changing landscape of modern society provide enough? Is teaching LGBT rights in government classes required? In this article, we'll examine the current state of government education, analyze the arguments for and against including LGBT rights in the curriculum, and examine the impact of including LGBT rights
Students’ Association Senators approved a new club on campus that will focus on competitive disc golf. Leif Bredeson a senior electrical engineering major from Darlington, Wisconsin, addressed the senate to get a competitive disc golf club on campus. “…We aim to get competitive players and casual players together to create a disc golf.
Two candidates were elected to the positions of chair for ASWSU’s Veterans and Military Associated Students Committee and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance Committee. Coletyn Everdell, the VMAS chair candidate, served as the president and chair of VMAS for the past two years and was re-elected by VMAS members for the position last April. Everdell.
Some Wake transgender students say teachers are inappropriately requiring parental permission instead of just notification for name and pronoun changes.