checks. today s new york times , hi there, profiled a year old start up called social intelligence that compiles a file that digs deeper than the usual google facebook. the whistleblower plows through the message board comments and craigslist requests and seemingly secure photo and video sites. says the ceo of the foul finding, quote, sexually explicit photos and videos are beyond comprehension. we can see a lot of illegal activity. lots and lots of pictures of drug use. at least anthony wiener doesn t have to worry about this. candidates must consent to the background check and be notified of the dirt dug up. who are these people? one says the employees should not be judging what people in their private lives do away from their workplace. how do we at red eye screen job applicants? i believe we have tape.
her. that would be the only way to get around the trademark infringement. i think she was upset it was just such cheap clothing. would you do the same thing? i don t think i would sue, i would be flattered. just because another girl walking the planet looks like kim kardashian, i mean it wasn t like they had kk on the girl s shirt or whatever. obviously the girl is beautiful and stunning, but i don t think they are going to have a case for that. $15 million to $20 million, really? my husband says, what is her talent? i said, i don t know. she sells a lot of stuff. you never saw the movie she did with her boyfriend? no, i m sorry. there was some talent. you are right. it is the height of ego to look at a commercial and say, that s me. that s me. i watched an old flinstone and i sawed from flinstone and thought that girl looks like her
disturbing the guests. they will patrol the halls fed halls of the designated quiet zone. they will quietly enter the room and kill you. ryan, is this a good idea? somebody is going to knock on your door in the middle of the night and stop snoring. is that going to stop you? how will they prove you are senatoring or sleeping? were you snoring no i was having sex. oh, sorry to bother you. as loud as you want. with a bear. do you believe this story? i do. it makes perfect sense. a hotel would do this instead of not make their walls out of cork. put it on us, and not so cheap you would soundproof the walls. i don t know if this is a real story. i just read it again and i am wondering. i think it is. i lived a lot of my life in hotel rooms and heard a lot of snores. again thin walls. i don t put it on the person.
whatever you put out in the public domain, twitter, facebook, whatever, it is public. if you don t want since google came around, everybody googled themselves and google your friends and co-workers. everybody what is been doing it. if it is out there, it will be found. if you don t want anybody to see it, don t do it. don t put it up. i orally google. i run out to the street and ask people what they are thinking did about. oral google? maybe i should call it something else. devore, you vomit your thoughts on-line every day. i do. i love it. i embrace social media. i have written a lot of stuff. check this out. the conservatives are always complaining or warning against government intrusion into your personal life and liberties. why don t they ever complain about corporate intrusion? i don t think it is a good idea.
according to the people whose job it is to protect us from terrorists, white people in hooded sweatshirts are there to protect us from our problem. even a lily livered pink owe thinks it is ridiculous. i don t think it is ridiculous at all. the oklahoma city bombing was conducted. you got one. hoorah for you. if you fill these videos with caricatures of who you think terrorists are, people will focus on those caricatures and not the actions people recording trains, leaving bags interesting theories. and also white people are the majority. i said this before on the five it is taking jobs away from people who fit the demographics. a lot of actors show up on additions saying, wait, i was born to play a terrorist. i can wear a baseball cap and dark glasses. the people are reminding me of the thugs from the old batman show.