who is an advice columnist, and she came out friday in her words with the sexual assault tant amount to rape that occurred in the 90s. this came out friday. you weren t in congress in 2016 when the president was running. i guess my question to you is in your view, how should accusations like this be handled? because this woman is coming forward with an accusation of rape now. so what should one do with this? well, look, i think if you take it to the appropriate authorities and they decide it s merited and it should be investigated, fine. look, i don t think sexual assault look, it s unacceptable and it s despicable. i grew up under a single mom who had to deal with this her entire life. i m the father of a young girl that i don t want dealing with this for a second. i think men that carry that out are despicable and need to be held into account. at the same time throwing out accusations years later, i think