This chilling extract is from Sandra Newman's retelling of George Orwell's dystopian classic, 1984, the latest pick for our New Scientist Book Club. It takes place as Newman's protagonist Julia sets off for the Two Minutes Hate
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apnea, not getting enough oxygen because you re noto you re waking yourself s yourself up, not breathing deeply enough. that s the key, when you have sleep apnea, your body basically starves for oxygen and what is well known in cancer is that cancer tumors and cells need oxygen to grow and to thrive, and what tumors are are large clutches of blood vessels. they did research in mice and in the mice, they found that those who are put in environments with low ex-gone, basically starving them for oxygen, their cancer tumors developed many, many more blood vessel s. so that the theory is that is that possibly could happen in humans and people with sleep apnea would be living throughout the night in an environment where the oxygen level is low in their body. jenna: and for years, right, dr. patti? people with sleep apnea are suffering for a long time so if someone has sleep apnea, what is it they can do to correct that this.
boarding a flight from orlando proved to be a battle in itself, 80 year-old bob simon is his name, he needs to travel with an oxygen tank but southwest refused to let him on board early they are week, the airline saying his doctor s note for the tank didn t meet requirements but it was the same note he used for previous southwest flights. the gal said you can t get on, they just walked away. i finally said hey they said hey, you can t get on this aircraft, it s a policy, you ve got to prove that you can operate the equipment. and they just walked away from you? yeah. how did that make you feel? oh god, i wanted to cold cock them! juliet: well bill: cold cock them. juliet: that wasn t the wasn t the reaction i was expecting but i like it. southwest says the airline requires a doctor s note that includes the date of issue, the ex-gone tank flow
allows it to use ex-gone oxygen in the atmost fear to care to carry fuel rather than tanks. the ultimate vision is paying pay load into space at a much more affordable cost. the x51 traveled 170 miles in 200 seconds, opening the door to all sorts of military and commercial applicables. that would get you from l.a. to new york in about 44 minutes, if cue fly that duration. without the need to carry its own oxygen, this so-called scram jet engine can go tpa ers and further while burning less fuel. the first person to know it worked, the b52 pilot who launch thunderstorm. we re looking out the window and looking for it and you see something out of nowhere, this rocket screams by about a bright plume. we saw the vig, it was on profile, and people started screaming. it was really exciting, in the control room. and the and the aircraft itself is made out