appoint mueller who is a friend of comey to investigate the president of the united states, because rosenstein convinced the whole thing if you throw a movie on this, no one would believe it. he says the house committee on intelligence that s constitution alley obligated to have oversight on the department of justice is committing ex d extortion. that s a quote. what say you? it can t be extortion when it s your constitutional duty. we have an obligation as a separate and equal branch of government to get information for the american people. when trey gowdy said the fbi behaved the way american citizens would want them behave.
appoint mueller who is a friend of comey to investigate the president of the united states, because rosenstein convinced sessions to back out. the whole thing if you throw a movie on this, no one would believe it. he says the hse committee on intelligence that s constitution alley obligated to have oversight on the department of justice is committing ex d extortion. that s a quote. what say you? it can t be extortion when it s your constitutional duty. we have an obligation as a separate and equal branch of government to get information for the american people. when trey gowdy said the fbi behaved the way american citizens would want them behave.
appoint mueller who is a friend of comey to investigate the president of the united states, because rosenstein convinced sessions to back out. the whole thing if you throw a movie on this, no one would believe it. he says the house committee on intelligence that s constitution alley obligated to have oversight on the department of justice is committing ex d extortion. that s a quote. what say you? it can t be extortion when it s your constitutional duty. we have an obligation as a separate and equal branch of government to get information for the american people. when trey gowdy said the fbi behaved the way american citizens would want them behave.
roll it. it s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from libya and they may have weapons. what i want to know is the an ex-close by, were they involved in buying, selling and transferring weapons and were they being transfer toward countries. you will have to direct that question to the agency that ran the an ex-d the annex. you are saying you don t know? i don t have any information on that. bill: whether it s sidney blumenthal or not this story runs very deep. one of the things i m eager to see is whether these emails that clinton has the ones she hasn t deleted do they include these emails from sidney
in the decision to rescue sergeant bergdahl, we complied with the law and dipped what we believed was in the best interest of our country, our military and sar yent bergeant . the president has constitutional responsibilities and authorities to protect american citizens and members of our armed forces. that s what he did. that was secretary of defense, chuck hagel at a house hearing today defending the president against criticism of the taliban prisoner swap. now up next what the secretary of defense had to say about conservatives smearing the bergdahl family. and a low sex d, and a low sex d, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant,