Touted to be one of the biggest sewage plants in Asia, the plant is aimed at pumping out 564 million litres of treated water into the Yamuna river daily.
are not hooked up to the system and whether there has been pollution, we have to see it for ourselves. ianthem whether there has been pollution, we have to see it for ourselves. have to see it for ourselves. when i swim in the have to see it for ourselves. when i swim in the sea, have to see it for ourselves. when i swim in the sea, north have to see it for ourselves. when i swim in the sea, north west - have to see it for ourselves. when i swim in the sea, north west of- swim in the sea, north west of scotland, very lucky, pretty clean. there are debates and a lot of anger about fish farm pollution, another issue. industrialfarming does come into this. carl and was are coming. tessa, we will continue. so many comments coming in, on twitter, this has always been going on, gets more publicity now to fuel the brexit fire, some of the worst discharges happen before then. victorian garbage cannot cope with the country s overpopulation. sarahjane on facebook, all of the water compani
nevertheless, it happened. we have brave citizenship like in the beginning of america, like in athens in the ancient greece, like in the french revolution. this is what happened many ukraine. and this is one of the great events which we saw. when you went on the front lines and you talked to these soldiers, they re up against are very formidable foe and the russias are hammering and they re doing things that are are really we haven t seen since world war ii, destroying whole cities, bombing the sewage plants and the water facilities an the hospitals. are they losing their nerve? are they losing their courage? i never saw that. maybe it happens. but i never saw that. i was in a lot of hot places and what i saw is quiet bravery.
them live near landfills, sewage plants and polluting facilities. by making people live near landfills? we re making people live next to polluting facilities? well, that s obviously ridiculous. and this is obviously not about race, it s about poverty. and who is to blame for the generational poverty that has plagued minority neighborhoods in the united states? liberals of, of course, who thought they could replace the nuclear family with big government, that s who. the fact is, their policies have failed black america on everything from crime to the economy to education. so, now all they can do is try to blame america itself. in the practice of racial grievance, this has become it own sub specialty. environmental racism while not always the most visible form is also widespread. so, when is enough enough? when is enough enough?