Animated short “Les Chaussures de Louis (Louis’ Shoes)” took home the 2021 VIEW Award grand prize following the VIEW Conference in Turin, Italy. The five-minute film was created by Marion Philippe, Kayu Leung, Jean-Geraud Blanc, and Theo Jamin of MoPA in Arles, France, in their last year as students. The film follows a young boy with autism introducing himself to classmates at his new school. Jury members lauded the film for its unique voice. “We don’t look at ‘Louis’ from the outside; we enter
Saori Iwano had a busy year that was capped off with her attendance at the United Nations Climate Change Conference where she picked up a few new ideas on how to approach the topic in Japan.
In our last episode, Canada’s National Observer founder Linda Solomon Wood sat down with climate action icons David Suzuki and Severn Cullis-Suzuki. Here’s their conversation in full.