Our ReporterDimapur, Sep. 13 (EMN): Seven Dimension (7D) movie theatre and Virtual Reality (VR) station was inaugurated on Tuesday at Green Park, Dimapur, by Lezo Putsure, founder of EduCentre School of Business, as the special guest. The CEO of Sky Entertainment and Green Park, Yanren Kikon, informed that the 7D movie theatre and VR station will be opened to the public by Saturday (September 17) after sorting out the technical issues. He updated that the ticket price for 7D will be INR 300 per head, while for VR it will range from INR 30 to 100 depending on the gaming. It may be mentioned that the park is opened to public from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 5pm and 12 o’clock to 6 pm on Sunday. Kikon shared that their vision for Green Park was to make it as one of the best family recreational centres. He informed that the park has become a source of employment opportunity for the youth saying “Green Park has given employment and opportunities to more than 50 people and as