he at that moment was the star. very interesting. we have no idea what the jury is thinking but sometimes the questions they ask can be telling. do we know what questions this jury has asked so far? only a few of them. first of all, none today. seven altogether. the one note that they handed out yesterday asked for smoking breaks to be reinstituted, that they had during the actual trial testimony. they wanted those back. so read into that what you will. some of the other questions had to do with, getting the exhibit list together or getting a clearer definition on what the weapons charges meant. other than that, you know, you can interpret it as you will. thank you so much, susan canned yotty. apreashesate your analysis. i m going to turn to paul and mel for more legal view. first to you, the defense says that prosecution has not proved that hernandez pulled the trigger. i m curious, if the jury concluded there s not enough evidence to support he pulled
for us every step of the way. casey, thank you so much. to our viewers here, it s happening right now. this suit, the judge is expected at this moment, top of the hour, was supposed to start hearing from both sides in this particular case. this is one of several that are coming down the pike. seven altogether, but this is the first to go to court. our thelma gutierrez is in phoenix where the hearing is supposed to be getting under way. she s monitoring what s happening in the courtroom. earlier, she met with marlin martin escobar, someone else who has filed suit against this immigration law. here s his story. i have to do my job. i have to serve and protect. it s not often a police officer speaks out publicly against the laws he s sworn to uphold. but officer martin escobar, a naturalized citizen and a 15-year veteran of the tucson police department says he can no longer remain silent.