The Impact of SEPs on EV Design and Development - Historically, issues with Standard-Essential Patents (“SEPs”) involved the information technology industries and did not heavily impact.
The lithium-ion battery, introduced commercially in 1991, revolutionized the consumer electronics industry. Compared with older battery technologies, the lithium-ion battery was.
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Rarely must patent infringers demand their right to pay
royalties. But several multinational manufacturers have gone to
court to insist that they – and not other participants in the
supply chain – make payment of any patent royalties. From a
contractual perspective, judicial analysis of such claims has
focused on the non-discrimination prong of the fair, reasonable,
and non-discriminatory ( FRAND ) patent licensing
commitment. In other words, some manufacturers have argued, and
some courts and administrative agencies have agreed, that a
patentee s refusal to provide FRAND licenses at all levels of