the possibility of separation between israelis and palestinians. so we won t have israeli sett r settlers living in densely arab populated areas. if trump had done that, a deal rather than a giveaway, we would be in so much better situation. by the way, palestinians then would have said, that s a fair trade-off. arabs would have said, that s a fair trade-off. and bibi could have gone to his cabinet and said, i had to do this, but look what i got in return. instead, trump gave away one of the crown jewels of american foreign policy for free. probably for a sugar high, to get this guy in alabama elected. and to pay off, you know, campaign donors and promises. that is pathetic, wolf. so you think he did it for political reasons oh, my gosh, yes! this could have been a bargaining chip? he could have used this as a strategic bargaining chip. this is a guy who came into office saying, everybody made bad deals. this wolf, this isn t a bad deal, this was no deal! he just gave this