friends in a complicated relationship. a romance that was just a small part of marjorie diehl-armstrong s long and troubled history. do you want to take a track, trey, at explaining who marjorie is? marjorie diehl-armstrong, she is a very famous or i should say infamous resident of erie, pennsylvania. trey borzillieri, the would-be documentarian had come to erie after the frozen body was found, trying to find out everything he could about two very strange crimes and two unique individuals, bill rothstein and marjorie diehl-armstrong. what he was discovering about marjorie was troubling to say the least. some publications, you might find the epithet black widow next to her name. she is the epitome of a black widow. she s had many men in her life fall victim to bizarre deaths by her hand and also by odd
the makes entry here, does a felony car stop and basically placed mr. wells under arrest right here. so is this the standoff, the famous picture we see? this is it right here. wells scavenger hunt and his life ended here. less than an hour after the explosion, lamont king of the state police took the notes and followed the rest of the directions exactly as written. we went down to the first site on interchange road. he was supposed to find a coffee jar and a couple other things, which we found. you know, everything we found, we bagged for evidence. king made all the stops while another trooper timed the trip. it took well over an hour, and that was a crucial point because the bomb s timing device turned out to be a common 60-minute kitchen timer. would you have had enough time to make all of these rounds on
that somehow these were related. and i just felt it from the minute i sat with him. what did he tell you? he looked at me and he said, well, i ll talk to you, but i need to tell you that i m the smartest guy in this room. and i looked around, and i said, well, my wife tells me that every night. let s get started. but rothstein gave up nothing. so while he was still facing charges in the frozen body case, without other evidence, he was in the clear on the pizza bombing investigation. months passed. then the fbi s behavioral analysis unit came back with a preliminary profile on the unknown bomb maker, detailing his most likely traits. that he d be a manipulator, that he d be really good with his hands, that he probably had a workshop, that he probably did some teaching or instruction in the past. everything that was in there fit perfectly to bill rothstein.
i know. and you are taking the notes. yeah. there was one moment when i was taking the notes and marge was like, it s not like we didn t measure his neck for the for the bomb, for the collar, and we did so in rothstein s kitchen. you knew exactly what she meant? yes. yes. which law enforcement would love to have that quote, maybe the most important words from their point of view that you never wrote down. yeah. because that connected marjorie to the case they could never make. yes. putting the brian wells case on her. when i realized everything she was telling me was the honest to god s truth i had to turn it over. i knew she would get out and kill again without a doubt. with her attorney kelly handed the notes over to the prosecutor in the roden case, but inexplicably the explosive notes weren t turned over to investigators in the pizza bombing case for two years. i put everything together and wrapped it up in a nice little bow and the fbi, why it wasn t
everything about this crime was different. a middle-aged pizza deliveryman with goggly glasses made for an unlikely bank robber. investigators had never seen anything remotely like the scavenger hunt that turned out to be a death march. and weirdest of all was this peculiar bomb with the locking collar. erie p.d. bomb squad commander at the time needed to find clues in the shrapnel from the exploded bomb to understand the bomb maker s skills and mentality. the pieces of the device are blown 15, 20 yards around the shopping area. the farthest piece was about 300 feet away. so the farthest piece went all the way across the street into the parking lot of another business. most of them scattered within about 60 feet. you need to know where in that scene every single piece landed. that s very important in putting that device back together. in trying to preserve the pieces for evidence, there was a