Students, staff and campus visitors soon will be seeing Greensburg’s Seton Hill University in a new light. The university’s Lighting the Future program will replace all 200 of its large outdoor lighting fixtures over the next three years with new versions that will allow conversion from incandescent lighting to more
Westmoreland County Community College nursing students receiving registered-nurse degrees can pursue a bachelor’s degree at Seton Hill University, as part of a newly announced partnership. The transfer agreement will allow students a chance to pre-plan their admissions and transfer options for a more seamless transition to Seton Hill’s bachelor’s degree
Between 18 and 20 Pennsylvania residents who have fallen short of fulfilling their college goals will have a chance to finish their education through a grant-supported program at Seton Hill University. Seton Hill is partnering with the Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board to identify potential students for a Near Completer program.
Seton Hill University has a new chief financial officer. Brent Jackson begins his duties effective immediately, according to Seton Hill President Mary Finger. In addition to CFO, Jackson also will be the university’s vice president for finance and administration. Jackson has held the job on an interim basis since April
A suicide awareness display in the form of student backpacks will be at two Greensburg-area college campuses. The Active Minds Send Silence Packing traveling display will be on view from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday, the backpacks will be on Sullivan Lawn on Seton Hill’s