Loan originators spend their time making people’s days (unlike this film clip). Builders hope that they make people’s days, and I spent some time this week with building industry expert Ivy Zelman. She is very interested in watching the “build-to-rent” phenomenon, and sure enough… “Build-for-rent housing has boomed since the pandemic began. More than 6,700 build-for-rent homes were completed in 2021 alone, marking a record-breaking year for the sector. This year is set to surpass those numbers by a landslide… 2022 may see more than double last year’s completions, clocking a whopping 14,000 build-for-rent homes by the end of the year.” Meanwhile, lenders are always looking for more deals and more customers. Headlines talk about a smaller mortgage market in 2022 and how lenders are reducing head count to accommodate the smaller market. Yet, two thirds of potential customers did not transact last year. According to NerdWalle