Bass won the race despite being beaten overwhelmingly in Chestnut Hill’s 9th ward, which had the highest turnout in the city, by a 72% to 28% margin. She also lost Mt. Airy’s 22nd ward, which had the second highest turnout in the city by a 56% to 44% margin.
Philadelphia City Councilmember Cindy Bass, a three-term incumbent in Northwest Philly's 8th District, has won the Democratic primary against challenger Seth Anderson-Oberman, according to the Associated Press. Bass held a margin of just over 400 votes with about 95% of the vote counted. The district covers neighborhoods including Chestnut Hill, Mount Airy, Germantown, Nicetown-Tioga and Wissahickon. The 8th District race was the closest Democratic primary contest in 2023.
A 46-year-old man who was canvassing for One PA, a progressive political organization, was fatally shot by a fellow canvasser on Monday last week in Germantown.
Gym may not have emerged victorious in the mayoral primary, but the labor-left coalition that powered her campaign has emerged as a formidable political force.
PHILADELPHIA Progressive forces went one-for-two in Democratic primary races for top municipal jobs in Pennsylvania: Helen Gym lost the top tilt, for the Philadelphia mayoralty, to more-moderate and more-establishment Cherelle Parker. But progressive State Rep.