and he s passionate. kelly is very abrasive. she s. .. # i want to break free!# my career and life was very, very different before. i went into banking at 18. every possible way you can imagine, it s different to the corporate world. alan. voiceover: there s no real set targets. | alan. there s no real structure to any day. what s he done with that? alan. hello. you ve put them somewhere. what was it? it s a profit and loss statement and my agenda for tonight. leave me in peace five minutes. right, this stuff s got to be here.
very different before. - i went into banking at 18. every possible way you can imagine, it s different to the corporate world. alan. voiceover: there s no real set targets. | alan. there s no real structure to any day. what s he done with that? alan. hello. you ve put them somewhere. what was it? it s a profit and loss statement and my agenda for tonight. leave me in peace five minutes. right, this stuff s got to be here. | we haven t thrown it away, have we? i don t think so. i don t know. what. ? what s that in your little blue pile there? these bits. paper rips 0h, what s that?
kelly is very abrasive. # i want to break free!# my career and life was very, very different before. i went into banking at 18. every possible way you can imagine, it s different to the corporate world. alan. there s no real set targets. alan. there s no real structure to any day. what s he done with that? alan. it s a profit and loss statement and my agenda for tonight. leave me in peace for five minutes. right, this stuff s got to be here. we haven t thrown it away, have we?
any more raffle tickets? going once, going twice. i m gone. my dad, he s a character. after 25 years, i am the boss. he can be quite volatile but that s because he cares and he s passionate. kelly is very abrasive. # i want to break free!# my career and life was very, very different before. i went into banking at 18. every possible way you can imagine, it s different to the corporate world. alan? there s no real set targets. alan. there s no real structure to any day. what s he done with that?
than a million species are now like the dodo and at risk of extinction just look at how global wildlife populations have declined down by more than two thirds since 1970. humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction. we are treating a nature like a toilet. and ultimately, we are committing suicide by proxy. the ultimate aim of this conference of this conference is to try and ensure humanity can live in harmony with nature. protecting 30% of land and sea by 2030, said targets by 2030, set targets to prevent extinctions and provide funding to developed nations. the uk government believes an ambitious deal is possible. up until now, nature i has been the cinderella and that s more and more prominent in recognition that without preserving all these. aspects of biodiversity, - actually, people treasure this and the animals actually rely on all of these plants - and other elements that we have